Protection of Personal Information Act for smme’s


It’s been a few weeks since POPIA came into effect, have you got a grasp on how to implement it?

The Protection of Personal Information Act, came into effect on the 1st of July 2021 to increase the safety of our personal information as South Africans, both online and offline. While the intention behind this regulation may be good, the implementation has got many of us scratching our heads and confused by all the information and advice going around. For you as small business owners particularly, POPIA is an addition to the many hats you have to wear on a daily basis already. This session is aimed at providing a little bit more clarity to some of the do’s and don’ts, truths, and myths of POPIA implementation. We will focus particularly on implementation as it relates to IT and Legal obligations. Join us, Thursday the 26th of August – and be ready to take some notes.

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2020 Brew by Coffee Creative Studio