Entrepreneurship To The Point (eTTP) exists to create economic inclusion through entrepreneurship. The creation of a robust SMME ecosystem through business networking, access to information and business resources, learning opportunities and inspiration is how we will come closer to achieving equal economic opportunities for all in South Africa and beyond.
eTTP was formed seven years ago under the umbrella of the award-winning business accelerator programme, Property Point, which was founded in 2008. This key relationship allows eTTP to leverage the data, knowledge and insights gained from Property Point’s engagements with entrepreneurs over the last decade to provide relevant content.
The eTTP platform focuses on building relationships, sharing insights and creating an environment of unity and trust.
We understand that entrepreneurship can be a lonely journey, but we also understand that when you bring entrepreneurs together, magic happens!
Our promise is to cut out the fluff, block out the noise and get to the point when helping entrepreneurs build businesses that will allow them to grow as people and business owners.